
Healing is a vital aspect of human existence and plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body, mind and soul. The ancient Indian wisdom of Yogic Healing recognizes that every individual is a combination of body, mind, and soul and that the functioning of the body and emotions are governed by various chakras (energy centers) and the flow of energy through them. Imbalances in these energy centers and the congestions in energy meridians can lead to physical and emotional diseases. By diagnosing and identifying these negative influences at an energy level, we can prevent or heal these diseases and mental conditions. Our foundation offers a holistic approach to prevention and healing, using ancient Yogic practices that have been validated by reputed research centers and universities across the world. Our approach to healing is based on the principles of diagnosing and healing energy conditions to provide relief and recovery from physical, emotional and mental diseases.

Problems addressed by Yogic Healing

Physical Healing

We help heal problems that are related to the following main categories of physical health.
-Gastrointestinal Health
-Eye Health
-Menstrual health
-Social skills

Psychological healing

Healing provided as a group or individual for helping with mental distress. Some of the common disorders that reduce our quality of life are:
-Anxiety Disorders.
-Bipolar Disorder.
-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
-Eating Disorders.
-Disruptive behavior and dissocial personality

Social Skills for children

We help parents identify challenges and offer the right kind of tools and support to help tackle the problem at the grassroot level. Some of the common things that are seen in children are:
- Learning disability
- peer pressure
- mismatch of communication between parents and children
- Anxiety Disorder

Academic enhancement

In order to tackle the expectation, one may develop unhealthy study and by proxy living habits to cope. We provide students and teachers with tools to help avoid the following problems and many more.
-Sleep deprivation
-Not eating properly
-Extreme cases - Depression and Suicide 

Financial Healing

Financial problems often arise from being stuck in a deficit mindset, a vicious cycle that is often difficult to break out of. We provide healing for the following problems, but not limited to:
-Issues with business development
-Debt Recovery
-Selling and buying of property
  -Not being able to attract the right kind of Job
-Lack of Growth and increment in career

General Healing

Take general healing to help increase your quality of life.
-Brings positive energy
-Helps relieve anxiety and other stress
-Gives a happier holistic life


Online, Offline and Hybrid


Schedule will be provided once registration is complete

Duration per session

First session of at least 45 minutes is required


Enhance your wellness for just 99/-

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