It is alarming to note the signs and signals that are being sent out by our social institutions. Families which are the basic building blocks are disintegrating with – senior citizens left without care and support from their children. The young nuclear families are grumbling with average of 53950 cases pending in the court with 50 divorce petitions every day which is unprecedented in India. To add to the disharmony, India is the world’s number 1 in mentally depressed individuals.
Karnataka is the second among the 29 states in the nation with 1707 suicides only amongst the student community.
Unnathi’s role to scale reach penetrate and make possible Grand Master Choa Kok Sui’s vision “To have one healer per family” is really the need of the second. Towards this herculean task, we march forward in visualizing the “Build India Movement” to empower youth.
Through Build India Movement we aim to empower Undergraduate students with skills to counsel, making them the flag bearers. The youth who are currently pursuing two years of Pre-University courses are counseled on a one-to-one basis building a symbiotic relationship. This model is unique and special as existing talents are used to roll out the program by teaching new skills to them and the youth who are floating like balloons with no guidance is connected to their role models.
Unnathi is fighting against the very nature of the Indian psyche, which trivializes the need and role of counseling for developing a strong self.
Social statistics at the macro level is not only making our role vital, but it is making it compulsory and demands for a complete paradigm shift in the way wellness is a basic right for every living individual.