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What is KriyaShakti and what does it do?
KriyaShakti is an inner technology to shape, build and realize your dreams and purpose in life. It gives your uncertain and discursive thought a clear direction, gives wings to your desires and decodes the mental and emotional wishes.
Breathing Exercises
Program your mind and soul for greater success by cleansing your Aura and Chakras, get ready to build trust and empathy, as well as cultivate inner balance.
Learn the secret of successful people; practice the art of meditation which instantly transforms thought or idea into a reality.
Mind Exercises
Program your mind for success instead of focusing it continuously on the failures. Get trained with innovative mind exercises and be ready for success.
Inner world and energy field connects
Learn super simple productive and life-transforming ways of aligning your thoughts to the universe and connecting the thought-form to act as career conveyors of positive action. These thought-forms connect with energy fields and create reality
Thought Purification
Dissolve influences, habits of the mind that obstruct your progress and do not channelize your effort. Get over long struck lingering negativity, right from your childhood days, with the help prosperity inducing meditation techniques that attract wealth and success.
Kriya Shakti provides intuitive clarity to deal with doubt, stress and depression and financial uncertainty. Kriya Shakti provides light for the Mental body, power to the Physical body and love to the Emotional body. It evolves your mind and spirit.
Who Should Do KriyaShakti
Well, simple answer is EVERYONE, as it is a preventive and curative remedy to prevent setbacks create opportunities and be successful. It provides intuitive clarity to deal with doubt, stress, depression and financial uncertainty. However, if we look little bit in detail, Kriyashakti is a must for the ones who are struggling or having a fear on one of the fronts in their life.
To name a few
- Facing challenges in Job
- Depression due to Pandemic
- Business Instability
- Family Problems
- Negativity
- Health and wellness
Struggling to focus on studies
What do I Achieve?
Of course, this is one prominent question that will arise, what will I get after doing Kriyashakti?
Kriyashakti basically recharges the battery in your mind, heart and body.
It gives you back the optimism, the confidence and
the belief which we lose due to the surrounding environment.
Success in Career
Wealth Creation
What is Yogic Healing
Yogic healing is a science of energizing the inner wellness of individual. It heals health related issues a person is going through.
Breathing Exercises
Program your mind and soul for greater success by cleansing your Aura and Chakras, get ready to build trust and empathy, as well as cultivate inner balance.
Learn the secret of successful people; practice the art of meditation which instantly transforms thought or idea into a reality.
Mind Exercises
Program your mind for success instead of focusing it continuously on the failures. Get trained with innovative mind exercises and be ready for success.
Inner world and energy field connects
Learn super simple productive and life-transforming ways of aligning your thoughts to the universe and connecting the thought-form to act as career conveyors of positive action. These thought-forms connect with energy fields and create reality.
Thought Purification
Dissolve influences, habits of the mind that obstruct your progress and do not channelize your effort. Get over long struck lingering negativity, right from your childhood days, with the help prosperity inducing meditation techniques that attract wealth and success.
Why Choose Us?
We have conducted extensive research for the past 20 years in yogic healing in the following aspects:
- Enhancing memory and concentration
- Reducing stress
- Enhancing immunity
- Cancer
- Lifestyle diseases
- Obesity
- Asthma and respiratory ailments
- Diabetes
- Blood pressure
- Vision correction
- Interpersonal relationship
- Personality development
- Old-age related challenges
- Depression
- Suicidal tendencies
We have a well-trained and committed team of healers with a wide range of experience. Our healers have done face-to-face healing and distant healing reaching out to patients in different parts of the country and the world. We have treated over 10,000 and more patients.
Who Should Do Yogic Healing
It’s for each one of us. It will help those who are suffering from any sort of illness to recover fast. In chronic cases it will help to refrain from further degeneration. It is best suited to a normal person as a preventive measure.
- Adolescents
- Youth
- Teachers
- Women
- Men
- Families
- Oganisations
are to name a few.
What do I Achieve?
Of course, this is one prominent question that will arise, what will I get after doing Yogic Healing?
Yogic Healing basically recharges the battery in your mind, heart and body.
It gives you back the optimism, the confidence and the belief which we lose due to the surrounding environment.
Overcome Stress and Depression
Cultivate inner balance
Family Happiness
Who should Join BIM
Every adolescent studying from 8th to 12th should be part of this program. This will empower them to overcome negativity, depression, suicide, anxiety, stress and lifestyle disorders.
Their parents and teachers also should be trained in mental and emotional health hygiene and techniques to build a positive and ebullient learner and happy families.
What is BIM
It will counsel the future generation of India to be strong, self sufficient emotionally and spiritually. Here It will connect over 2 lakh undergraduate health science students with the adolescent children. The health science students will become facilitator and build a rapport with children. This will facilitate the sharing and bring in confidence which will lead to alleviate their stress, provide a sounding board for exchange of ideas and clarification of doubts and fear.
Apart from reaching out to the learners, the similar approach will be followed in their homes and in the school. Teachers and parents will be trained in mental and emotional health hygiene and techniques to build a positive and ebullient learner, happy families, and happy and responsible communities.
How does Unnathi Help
Success in Career
Overcome Stress and Depression
Success in Education
Cultivate inner balance
Positive and ebullient learner
Family Happiness